Who We Are

Who We Are

The Ministry is known as the Ministry of Tourism, is located on the 3rd floor of the Government Headquarters on Kennedy Avenue, Roseau.

The Ministry has responsibility for the sustainable development of tourism with special emphasis on the promotion of Eco-tourism. It is also responsible for Legal matters. The Minister and his staff are responsible for policy formulation and administration and technical support. The Discover Dominica Authorities (DDA), formerly known as the National Development Corporation (NDC), is a statutory body responsible for the implementation of promotion and marketing activities as well as product development’s niches. The Tourism Sector Development Programme of the Special Framework of Assistance (SFA) 2006 provided assistance for the following:

  • Strengthening the technical and administrative capacity of the key public sector tourism institutions.
  • Building brand awareness of the Dominica brand and increasing the foreign exchange earning potential of the sector.
  • Strengthening the capacity of stakeholder groups to manage the new enterprises and to develop new and quality products and services that will help to diversify rural incomes and improve on the quality of life of rural communities and people.


Our structure consists of the Ministry of Tourism and the Discover Dominica Authority (DDA) - one Government Statutory arm of the Ministry.

Please contact us for more information.


Our Vision:

To position Dominica as the premier Eco-tourism destination in the region, supported by an enabling justice system and facilitated by efficient and effective support services.

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Contact Us

Address: 3rd Floor,
Government Headquarters

Call Us : +1 (767) 266 3497
Mail Us : tourism@dominica.gov.dm

Office Time : Mon 08:00 - 17:00, Tue - Friday 08:00 - 16:00